
I appreciate hearing back from customers. You can read more from some of them by clicking on each of the tabs below.

If you had a good experience, send me a note using the contact tab. Do the same if I can improve, I need to hear that as well.
  • ••••◦ "..technique was smooth and gentle."

    Lore is a professional and detail oriented therapist who was able to customize her Thai bodywork for myself and my boyfriend. She provided the mat, the oil, and the music with a clean and streamlined peaceful demeanor. Fabulous! She showed utmost respect for the tissues and went deep, but not too deep as to hurt. Excellent. Her technique was smooth and gentle. I would hire Lore again. She was strong and delicate and I would love to have another session with Lore 

  • ••••• ".. work is centered and rooted in love.."

    These comments come from the heart and it is my hope that those who do not know of the gifts that you possess, be made aware. And possibly in turn this may be of benefit to you.
    I really enjoyed our session yesterday. I have yet to meet someone who is as intuitive as you. You blew my mind when you were drawn to my injured hand and began working on it. I had to snap out of my zone to ask you how you knew. There were no signs of it being injured. I was the only one who knew it, until you sensed it. Your work is centered and rooted in Love and this alone sets you in a class of your own. I felt my soul traveling to different dimensions as I was lying on the table, thanking the Creator that He led me to you. I felt a burst of joy inside because of your intuition and your demonstrations of caring, your touch was filled with Love, awareness and empathy.
    Everything from the intention, to the breath work, to the ear candling (which was shocking) to the massage (which was amazing), to the Closing Blessing was fantastic!
    I was very much surprised considering your age. Though you are young, you have an ancient soul. That soul made me feel at home and gave me the assurance that I was in good hands. It seems hard to believe that you carry around such knowledge, and yet will not be classified as mature for another couple of decades, (maybe even 3).. I went somewhere else while on your table, it was a place far off in the distance and I wanted to stay there in that relaxed semi-conscious state where nothing mattered, where only the present was enjoyed in momentary lapses of one human being truly caring for another!
    I hope you continue to be blessed and I can't wait to see you again...soon!

  • ••••• ".. I feel more relaxed and refreshed.."

    Thanks again for today. Each time I come to see you, I feel more and more relaxed and refreshed, during and after my session. It's funny, I'm a very laid back person, but for some reason it doesn't always come natural for me "let go", and be pampered by someone else.
    Thanks for using your intuition (and skills), especially regarding my trouble spots. It was 90 mins of peace and rejuvenation. You are a very unique and caring person, someone who emulates love and kindness.
    I'm already looking forward to next month. Take care and have a great rest of your week.

  • ••••• "..a peaceful, warm, spiritual experience.."

    I just wanted to thank you for today. Never in my life, have I experienced such a peaceful, warm, spiritual experience. When I walked out of your studio, I felt like I was floating and I am still so relaxed.
    Compassion and love flow from your hands. You truly have a gift. I thought it was amazing that areas of my body that had given me problems in the past, you knew exactly where to focus a little extra.
    I've never been one to spend money on myself, but I am going to stick to my resolution of scheduling one of these sessions every month or two.
    Even though I'm getting a little older, I still try to stay active. I play tennis year round and I run 4-5 days a week, only now I find myself with aches and pains I didn't used to get. Along with the fact that I am always on the go for work, sometimes it takes a little longer to recover from these aches and pains.
    I think this will help me mend physically, and mentally from daily stresses.
    I noticed a saying on your wall as I was leaving, and it really stuck with me: Be mindful of your thoughts, because your thoughts become words. Your words become actions, your actions become your character, and your character becomes your destiny. I think that was it, and I really liked it.
    I'm already looking forward to my next visit with you. Have a great weekend, and keep warm !

  • ••••• ".. accomplished more in one hour than several places did over years."

    You accomplished more in one hour than several places did over years. And I just wanted you to know that :)
    When I left that day i was amazed to see I could turn my head 180* :) It was a miracle to me! And when I left today...I could jog again:) I didn't run too far because its too cold out there, but I could do it without pain!
    I told you before, I injured my back years ago at a job I had. Ever since then it's always flared up 2 or 3 times a year. I can simply turn the wrong way and I'm in pain for 3 days or more. I couldn't turn my head 180* anymore, side to side, and I cant run or even jog anymore. The best I can describe it is if you slipped on the ice, and your legs spread apart, and you tore your inner thigh muscle. That's how it feels everyday.
    You take things for granted in life, like something as simple as running. Not being able to run affects me on so many different levels.
    Thank you. 

  • ••••• " She is a warm hearted and strong individual.."

    Great, great experience, finally someone who knows what they are doing. Can't wait to get back for another hour and a half of peace. From the greeting when I walked in the door to the kind words when I left, Lore made me feel good inside and out. She is a warm hearted and strong individual who really pays attention to detail and needs. Again, hope to get back real soon. Thanks Lore, your awesome. Great, great experience, finally someone who knows what they are doing. Can't wait to get back for another hour and a half of peace. From the greeting when I walked in the door to the kind words when I left, Lore made me feel good inside and out. She is a warm hearted and strong individual who really pays attention to detail and needs. Again, hope to get back real soon. Thanks Lore, your awesome. 

  • ••••• ".. soothing touch and gentle spirit.."

    I wanted to thank you again for a truly wonderful experience this morning. It was a pleasure to meet you and I very much enjoyed our time together. Your soothing touch and gentle spirit was such a gift and put me in a great frame of mind for the rest of the weekend ahead. I look forward to seeing you again soon and I will be in touch.

  • ••••• " The effects of your touch and energy have lingered.. "

    Lore, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful healing session. The effects of your touch and energy have lingered even today; I slept soundly with my muscles in harmony, as compared to the typical tossing and turning that I often experience from my stiff neck. It was a pleasure to meet you and I would welcome weekly visits for a period of time in order to treat the injury toward full recovery.

  • ••••• " her true passion for helping people "

    A natural. Highly intuitive, I believe the gentle, focused care she gives each client comes from her true passion for helping people. I could actually feel Lore's loving energy as she gave the massage. It's amazing that such a young practitioner has so much skill at the beginning of her career, and I'm sure it will only improve with time! Recommended!

  • ••••• " the first time my low back pain doesn't wake me up in the morning "

    I received my first massage in three months with Lore. I was a bit hesitant because I've had some therapists who didn't know what they're doing. Lore knows just the right spots to hit. This is what I've been missing. For the first time my low back pain doesn't wake me up in the morning! I am much more aware of my posture and general health since she has given me tips. Thank you. Your care and dedication to healing is profound. I will see you again soon.